
Reasons Why I May Have Lost 2lbs.

Diana commented to congratulate me on my first weight loss, and she also asked if I'd share what I did differently since my first weigh-in where I gained weight instead of losing it. So, per Diana's request, I will let you know what changes I made, which I believe played a big part in my 2lb. weight loss last week.

Thanks to some wonderful advice from Diana, I stopped drinking fruit juices and turned to water with a couple teaspoons of orange juice for flavor (another generous tip from Diana). In addition to drinking flavored water, I drank Diet Pepsi instead of regular Pepsi, since it has no calories (only one a week), and I enjoyed a few glasses of instant tea with sugar. Finally, as I already mentioned in my latest post, I increased my workout on the Ab Lounge and started watching my calorie intake.

Although this update is a bit short, I believe the above-mentioned was the reason I lost 2lbs., and now I'm hoping and praying for another weight loss this week.



8/29/2008 1:34 PM

You're very welcome! The homemade flavored water is not too bad, right? :) Regular soda DEFINITIVELY needs to go. A glass of Pepsi has 9 teaspoons of sugar (incidentally, a glass of orange juice has the same amount, so you see why fruit juices are a big no-no). I drink diet Pepsi on a regular basis (no calories, no sugars, no carbs). Not the healthiest choice, but it makes me feel a little less deprived and makes healthy eating a lot easier.

  Misti Sandefur, Christian author/freelance writer

8/29/2008 2:56 PM


Yes, thanks to your tip for homemade flavored water I can now drink water. Before I hardly drank water, but once I added a little flavor, it wasn't bad at all.

When I began drinking the fruit juices, the sugar and calories didn't cross my mind, because I'd always heard juice was better for you. Honestly, I was drinking so much juice when I first began this journey that I truly believe it contributed to my 7lb. weight gain during my first weigh-in. It may not have contributed entirely, but I think it played a big roll in the weight gain.

I know I need to cut out sugar to lose weight, but I do wonder if cutting out too much sugar could lead to low blood sugar and cause me problems. I say this because here recently I've started to feel really tired and I get dizzy often. I still drink a few glasses of sweet tea daily, but I'm not sure that's enough sugar. Any thoughts?


8/29/2008 4:30 PM

You're thinking glucose, not sugar. White sugar, like the one we use to sweeten things, is not needed at all by our bodies. You can stop consuming it altogether and nothing will change. Glucose (blood sugar), on the other hand, is necessary for energy, alertness and a number of organ functions. Glucose is processed from all types of carbohydrates: starchy vegetables such as corn and potatoes, pasta, rice, bread and cereals. As long as you're eating some type of carbohydrate, you'll be fine.

The best way to maintain steady levels of blood sugar is to eat like diabetics eat: small, frequent meals throughout the day: every 3-4 hours is ideal (this is the same way that bodybuilders eat, because balancing blood sugar helps burn fat faster and fends off cravings). I know the idea of eating all day seems contradictory, but is actually the best thing you can do. If you're feeling dizzy, it may be that you're letting too many hours go between meals so your blood sugar is dropping too fast. The worst thing you can do when this happens is to eat something sweet, as it will cause a spike on your blood sugar and then cause it to fall down again later on. Keeping it steady is a lot better than those ups and downs.

I talk a lot, don't I? :)