
Sixth Weigh-In

After two weeks of weight gains, I'm happy to report that this week's weigh-in was a success! I weighed in this week at 282.0 pounds, which is a weight loss of 2.8 pounds. I plan to really increase that loss next week, because I've decided to up my workout so I can burn even more calories.

When my husband first bought me my Ab Lounge a couple years ago as a Christmas present, I worked out on it every night for about 2 months, and during that time, I lost 50 pounds. However, like all new exercise equipment, once the new was worn off, I let it sit and collect dust. I know, bad idea, but this time around, I plan to continue my workout on it, as well as do the workout from a new video I ordered. The new video is due to arrive to my door on Wednesday, so I'm really looking forward to burning more calories with the Jillian Michaels for Beginners -- Frontside / Backside video.

In addition to my new workout routine, I'm going to increase my protein and fiber intake. From all the research I've done over the past few months, I learned that eating foods high in protein and fiber helps burn fat. With that said, I plan to put the information to the test, and you'll be able to tell if it works from my weekly weigh-in reports and updates.

When I started WAHM's Journey to Weight Loss, I announced my goal weight, which I hope to reach by this time next year. That goal weight is more of a long-term goal, so I've decided to aim for a short-term goal as well. With the holidays just around the corner, I'd like to be a bit on the lighter side this year. With that said, I'm setting a new short-term goal to lose 24 pounds by Christmas. I realize 24 pounds may not be a big number to shoot for, but it's something, and I don't want to set a goal too high. If I meet my short-term weight loss goal, I'll be happy, and if I lose more than the short-term goal I've set for myself, that would be even better, of course.

Until next time, enjoy your weekend and God bless you and yours.



9/20/2008 11:07 PM

You said:
"I'm going to increase my protein and fiber intake. From all the research I've done over the past few months, I learned that eating foods high in protein and fiber helps burn fat. With that said, I plan to put the information to the test, and you'll be able to tell if it works from my weekly weigh-in reports and updates."

I think that makes a lot of sense. I'm trying something similar. I'll check back here often to see how it works for you. Good luck.


9/21/2008 8:42 PM

Protein and fiber don't actually burn fat (no food does), but they do fill you up, so you end up eating a lot less of other things and lose weight in the process.

Congrats on the weight loss! I love Jillian and the workout sounds tough (not that I'm surprised after watching The Biggest Loser!), so you'll have to tell us how it goes.

  Misti Sandefur, Christian author/freelance writer

9/22/2008 2:54 AM


Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. I will be sure to let you know how it works for me. Do keep me updated on your progress as well.


You're right, protein and fiber doesn't actually burn fat it helps burn fat, or at least that's what the experts say. Either way, though, I will give it a try and see how much fat it does help burn.

I'm a big fan of "The Biggest Loser." In fact, I write about the show for a client. It's actually a very inspiring show, and every time I tune in, it motivates me. Jillian is a tough trainer, and I love watching her work with the contestants on "The Biggest Loser," so I thought I'd buy her workout video for beginners to see what it will do for me. I'll be sure to post updates, and later I plan to do a review of the video.

  Lillie Ammann

9/22/2008 12:34 PM

Congratulations on losing this week, Misti. That's encouraging, and I think you've set a reasonable goal for the rest of the year.


10/17/2008 1:15 PM

Hi Misti, Hope you're doing well. Update us on your weight loss when you have a chance! We want to know how it's going!

