
Natural Body Cleansing With Healthy Diet Foods

In order to begin my journey to weight loss, I spent yesterday doing a bit of research. Well, first, I had to complete a writing project, but soon after, I was wading through all the free weight loss advice I could find on the Internet. And of all the information I read, I kept coming across the same advice, which suggested that it's best to cleanse your body. As a result, I chose natural body cleansing as my starting point.

Rob, from the Former Fat Guy blog, said, "We should begin to experiment and test and then keep what works and discard what doesn’t." Therefore, I believe I'll do just as he said and experiment to see what will work for me and what won't. After all, Rob experimented and was able to lose a whopping 300lbs.! So I figure if it worked for him, it can work for me too.
I tell ya, this guy is an inspiration, and I'm still reading his archives to see what I can experiment with, and I look forward to sharing those experiments with you.

With that said, this journey and my first experiment will begin Friday. Why Friday? Because Friday is when I'll be able to visit the grocery store to get the healthy diet foods and drinks I'll need to start my natural body cleansing.

Now to explain my first experiment... So far everything I've read about natural body cleansing involves eating only fresh fruits, raw vegetables, and drinking fresh juices such as apple juice, orange juice and grape juice, as well as drinking water. I'll stick to eating only the healthy diet foods mentioned above, as well as drinking juices and water for two days. The experiment will be with the juices. What I've read suggested "fresh" juices, but instead of "fresh" juices, I'm going to buy my apple, orange, grape and vegetable juices from the store. Surely there's not much difference, but we'll know in two days.

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Photo credit: Dlisbona