
Returning From My Family Emergency

Now that my dad is home from the hospital and doing better I'll be blogging about my Journey to Weight Loss once again. I'd like to thank all of you for your prayers and well wishes for my father; both were greatly appreciated. Dad still has a long road ahead as he battles Lymphoma and Leukemia. He'll have numerous doctor appointments as well as Chemo and radiation treatments, so, please continue to pray for him.

Stay tuned for my next blog post when I'll discuss my weight loss goals for 2009. Lord willing, I plan to return with my weight loss goals for 2009 on New Year's Eve. Personally, I think that will be the perfect post to ring in the New Year with, wouldn't you agree?

Prayer Request & Message to Readers/Fans

I have a family emergency that will keep me from blogging as often as I had planned and posting my weigh-ins. In addition, I'm also asking for everyone who will to please pray for my father. Rather than repeating the story and situation again, I'd like to ask you to visit my Life of a Writer blog to find out the current situation and my special prayer request.

Times When I Get the Munchies

I'm not sure what all the benefits of drinking Green Tea are but I'd say one of them is that it helps control hunger cravings. I say this because since I've been drinking Green Tea quite frequently, my cravings are now less and less. In fact, I don't get as hungry as I use to, which is a good thing if I want to reach my goal weight.

Green Tea may be helping me with my hunger cravings, but there are still times when I get the munchies, and it's usually during certain activities. Therefore, I've decided that since I can't avoid those activities, I'm going to have to find a way to fight the need for an unhealthy snack during these times or at least find an alternative. Okay, I know the alternative would be a healthier snack, so I guess I should have said I need to find a way to force myself to stick with the healthy alternative.

With that in mind, the activities I'm referring to are when I'm reading, which I LOVE to do, and finally, when I'm watching TV or a movie. What do I snack on? Unhealthy snacks, of course: things such as leftover ham, leftover turkey, lunch meat with no bread and potato chips. I know, I know, a BIG no, no, but since I can't seem to get the munchies to go away during these two activities, I'm going to at least do my very best to replace the unhealthy snacks with healthy ones such as grapes, apples or nuts.

During what activities do you seem to get the munchies the most, and what do you do?

Photo credit: G-tastic

Weigh-In #8

It's been over a month since my last weigh-in, so I thought I'd better give you an update... When I stepped onto the scale Friday morning, I weighed 284.4 pounds. Yes, I know that's not a lot for a whole month, but at least the numbers are starting to go back down instead of up. That said, I'm not overly joyed with the 1.6 pound weight loss, but I'm thankful.

I'm still drinking the Green Tea often and my hunger cravings aren't as bad as they use to be. I'm also watching what I eat and have plans to begin exercising again. I know there will be a number of exercises that I won't be able to do without triggering an asthma attack, but there's always quite a few that I can do that will still burn calories. I figure once I get rid of a lot of this weight, my asthma will improve and allow me to add some of the other exercises that I'm not able to do to my routine. I guess I'll just have to see, and I'll do my very best to keep you updated. With my new writing schedule, I should find more time to get this blog back on its feet.

Stay tuned for my next weigh-in on Friday or Saturday. Hopefully, I'll have a bigger weight loss to report. Until my next post, take care of yourself and stay healthy.

Previous weight (10-29-08):
285.6 pounds
Current weight: 284.4 pounds
Total lost since last weigh-in report: 1.6 pounds